

ECTS Members as Guests at LINGL

The members of ECTS (European Ceramic Technology Suppliers) met on the premises of LINGL at Krumbach on 13th and 14th November 2014. With around 38 registrations this was the largest member’s meeting ever held since ECTS was formed. The members of ECTS supply their customers of the ceramic industry with machines, plants, material, process engineering as well as engineering services and come from 27 countries.
After having been welcomed by the Managing Director of LINGL, Mr. Laurenz Averbeck, the participants made a tour of the manufacturing facilities and learnt more about the productive structures and procedures of the company. On the occasion of the informal meeting following the tour, numerous technical discussions took place and new contacts were made before the day was concluded in a relaxed atmosphere by dining together in a traditional Bavarian restaurant.
During the official meeting of around five hours on the following day, a wide range of topics were discussed. These included, amongst others, the current situation on the market, the development of the structural ceramics sector in Russia, market forecasts for the years to come or novelties which will be presented at the major trade shows in 2015.
LINGL was very pleased to welcome experts from all over the world on their premises. In closing, it can be said that this event was a complete success.

Source Lingl

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