The Congress started on Thursday 23 June with the Masonry Product Group. Members attended the TBE Joint Environmental and Technical Working Group and TBE Roofing Tiles Product Group in the afternoon to gain comprehensive overview of the activities undertaken during the last year. That evening members enjoyed a cocktail and a gala dinner in the picaresque location at the board of the Luzern Lake.
Friday 24 June was dedicated to the TBE Executive Committee and TBE General Assembly.
The TBE General Assembly presented a good occasion to review the last year’s actions and anticipate upcoming activities. Thanks to TBE members, electronic brochures on the advantages of pitched roofs and clay masonry products were implemented at national level and used in meetings with builders and architects and at fairs. Important developments related to the EU climate and energy policy, such as the on-going revision of the post 2020 EU ETS Directive, were debated.
TBE members discussed also the new upcoming activities and challenges for the next year such as the many sustainable construction and technical dossiers, the Circular Economy package as well as the Cumulative Cost Assessment study undertaken for the ceramic industry.
Thank you to this years’ sponsors: SABO and Capaccioli.
Source Tiles& Bricks Europ
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