

La Libye a acquis fin 2009 10% du briquetier autrichien Wienerberger AG Version imprimable Libye

La société Wienerberger AG, le plus grand fabricant mondial de briques, a annoncé en Octobre 2009 avoir signé un accord avec l'autorité libyenne d'investissement, Jamahiriya Investment Authority, qui permet au fonds d'acquérir jusqu'à 10% de ses actions.

Wienerberger précise que cette initiative faisait partie d'une augmentation de capital visant à lever au moins 335,8 millions d'euros par l'émission de près de 33,6 millions de nouvelles parts.

Selon la même source, la Jamahiriya Investment Authority (LIA) a accepté de ne pas acquérir plus de 15% de la compagnie basée à Vienne sans le consentement du conseil d'administration de Wienerberger.

« Lia est un investisseur à long terme et détient des participations dans diverses entreprises industrielles internationales », a déclaré Wienerberger, qui a 236 usines dans 26 pays.
Source Les Afriques

Agreement with the Libyan Investment Authority to acquire up to 11.8 million shares as part of the capital increase
Wienerberger has entered into an agreement with the Libyan Investment Authority (“LIA”), an investment fund of the Libyan state, pursuant to which LIA has committed to acquire, as part of the capital increase, up to 11.8 million shares of Wienerberger (representing up to 10 % of the outstanding shares after the capital increase) at the subscription price. LIA may acquire the new shares by means of subscription rights acquired in the rights offering or in the placement of new shares for which subscription rights are not exercised in the rights offering. LIA is a long-term investor and holds interests in a variety of international industrial enterprises. LIA has agreed not to sell, within a period of one year, any shares acquired in the capital increase provided its participation in Wienerberger after the capital increase reaches at least 5%. In addition, it was agreed that LIA shall, without the consent of Wienerberger, not acquire more than 15% in Wienerberger's share capital for a two year period.
Source Wienerberger

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