Tecnocer brick plant, Argentina
Cleia will construct this new brick plant for the production of T6 and T9 hollow clay bricks, for which there is a strong demand on the market in this region of Patagonia.
The modern production line will include clay preparation and shaping equipment including Pelerin machines, a cutting line and a Sirocco rapid dryer. Moreover, a Tradifast kiln and kiln cars made of refractories will be installed. In addition, robot-controlled handling circuits for loading and unloading of the kiln cars and a packaging line for strapping stacks of bricks on pallets.
This custom-designed modern unit will be installed in an existing building. The production rate was jointly defined by Cleia and the customer’s engineers.
Tejas Borja roofing tile plant, Spain
This modernization project is accompanied by a major technological change, from mass-firing to uniform firing of roofing tiles on H-type setters.
The optimum product quality will be achieved with a longitudinal shuttle system with self-centering H-setters, a unique Cleia design. This very compact circuit is particularly suitable for the modernization of existing units. The handling principle allows high precision and reliability and guarantees a long lifetime of the H-setters thanks to careful handling.
The refurbishment of the kiln will include the installation of a new roof and the installation of high-performance gas burners. Two robotized stations for the dry unloading and for the packaging, will round off the Cleia supplies and services. This new handling equipment will give the customer the flexibility of operation required for the production of new roofing tiles intended for export markets.
Source Ziegelindustrie International
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