

Wienerberger: Invitation to the 142nd Annual General Meeting

Wienerberger 142nd Annual General Meeting on Friday, May 13, 2011, at 10:00 am in Hall F – Yellow Level of the Austria Center Vienna, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, 1220 Vienna
Austria Center Vienna

1. Presentation of the approved Annual
Financial Statements for the 2010 financial
year and Review of Operations for the
company, which was combined with the
Review of Operations for the group, as well
as the Corporate Governance Report, the
Consolidated Financial Statements for the
2010 financial year and the Report of the
Supervisory Board on the 2010 financial year
2. Resolution on the use of profit as shown in the Annual Financial Statements
for 2010
3. Resolution on the release of the members of the Managing Board from liability
for the 2010 financial year
4. Resolution on the release of the members of the Supervisory Board from
liability for the 2010 financial year
5. Amendment of the Articles of Association (§ 15 – Remuneration of the
Supervisory Board)
6. Resolution on the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board
7. Elections to the Supervisory Board
8. Election of the auditor of the Annual Financial Statements and Consolidated
Financial Statements for the 2011 financial year
Source Wienerberger

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