

Successful 5th Bretby Conference 2006 for the heavy clay sector

Successful 5th Bretby Conference 2006 for the heavy clay sector

International News

The fifth seminar of the ceramic industry in Great Britain, held on the 21st and 22nd November 2006 at the Bretby Conference Centre in Burton on Trent, was accompanied by the annual conference of the International Clay Technology Association (ICTa). Over 230 participants from five countries acquired information on the subject: “Manufacturing Clay Products – The Future” and 30 exhibitors presented their programmes for the ceramic industry. The conference was organized by IOM Communications Ltd. with the participation of the ICTa and the Ceramics Department at the Institute for Materials Science, Mineralogy and Mining. In addition to markets, raw materials and products the manufacture of brick products was also elucidated and – beyond the heavy clay sector – incorporated the whole diversity of ceramic products, as a selection of the themes shows:
In her keynote address entitled “Consumer Trends Affecting the Ceramics Industries”, Sarah Robinson of Future Foundation gave an overview of the development of consumer demands and the purchasing behaviour of customers in recent years. Furthermore she indicated that many people want an environmentally friendly home but do not accept higher costs for it. Ms Robinson also introduced trend-setting possibilities for the ceramic industry.
In his paper “Building our Future” John Newman, Department of Trade and Industry, informed the listeners about sustainable building, its possibilities and strategies.
The theme of Steve Godfrey, Hanson Building Products, and Eric Turner, Proskills, was “From 14 to 19 Diplomas to Foundation Degrees”. Various advanced training possibilities were introduced, which were developed by the industry for the industry and which benefit both the young people and the companies.
Charles Fentiman, Shire Minerals (Southern), presented a paper entitled “A fine waste of a roof”, first giving an overview of the various possibilities of laying out planted roofs, from a simple green roof to one with an extensive range of vegetation. Most planted roofs in Great Britain have clay granulates as foundation. Fentiman illustrated other suitable substrates, their use and the layout of green roofs.
Massimo Bernini, Bernini Impianti, gave in his paper “Alternative Fuel for Firing Systems” a comparison of the various fuels, their advantages and disadvantages. He then introduced petroleum coke and a burner system based on it. After a definition of the properties and application possibilities, Bernini described the system on the basis of a practical example.
“Unleashing People Power” was the theme of John Lambert, Ibstock Brick, who first gave a brief presentation of the company: Ibstock, a company belonging to the CRH Group, achieves a turnover of more than 180 million pounds sterling (approx. 270 million euro) with over 1700 employees at 24 locations and according to own information is market leader with a market share of over 30%. Lambert then explained the TPM programme, the aim of which is “totally productive manufacturing” and integrates all employees.
Renzo Ronchetti, CFT S.r.l., presented the “Gemini fast firing tunnel kiln”. Ronchetti described the simple but innovative solutions implemented in the kiln cars, and also the kiln structure. An advantage of the Gemini kiln, for example, is the high temperature uniformity. The Gemini fast firing kiln can be used for firing clay roofing tiles and façade tiles as well as backing bricks.
“Modern Methods of Construction – Threat or Opportunity?” was the theme of Kevin Gamble and Phil Noble, Baggeridge Brick. Many modern buildings are built without facing bricks and instead are plastered or built of glass or metals. Opportunities are seen in new ceramic façade systems, in cooperation with the manufacturers of fastening systems and in prefabricated ceramic products or such that can be processed more quickly.
Paul Farmer, Wade Ceramics Ltd., presented the company “Wade Ceramics”. After a brief historical outline Farmer explained the development of a new corporate identity campaign and a relaunching of the Wade brand as well as the strategic visions of future growth.
On the subject “St. Pancras Station – Problems and Solutions“ Colin Pinnegar of Bulmer Brick Cutting Services explained the procedure in manufacturing shaped bricks in accordance with the original for door and window arches in St. Pancras Station.
John Hall, John Hall Associates Limited, spoke on the focal theme “Understanding Energy Prices“. He gave an overview of the price increases for oil, gas and electricity in Great Britain in the last few years and explained the composition of the energy price for the individual energy types. Finally he forecasted further rising prices up to 2011.
In his lecture “Prince Minerals – An Overview” Reg Moore introduced the USA-based mineral manufacturer. Moore demonstrated the possibilities of the company of the basis of examples of engobe developments for the brick and tile industry.
The Maillis Group presented itself with the lecture “Manufacturing the Global Solution”, given by Spyridon Katopodis, M J Maillis Group. The Group sells its products in 52 countries worldwide and employs around 2000 people in 21 countries. In 2005 the strapping specialist achieved a net turnover of 360 million euro with 18 manufacturing units.
Dr. Peter Walker, University of Bath, spoke about “Unfired clay building materials in modern construction” and explained the characteristic features of unfired clay building materials, their starting raw materials and processing as well as architecturally significant examples. Summing up, he gave an outlook on the future developments in this sector.
“Uses of Devon ball clays in the heavy clay industry” was the theme presented by Sam Leese, WBB Minerals. Leese gave an overview of WBB Minerals, geological particularities of the Devon ball clays, their extraction and application possibilities in the heavy clay industry. WBB has a workforce of 1900 employees and is represented in nine countries with 40 locations.
The next event will take place on the 20th and 21st November 2007 in Bretby on the subject “Technology and knowledge for an environmentally compatible future”.

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