

The 20th China Wall and Roofing Materials, Equipment and Relevant Products Exhibition

The 20th China Wall and Roofing Materials, Equipment and Relevant Products Exhibition

13th to 15th November 2006, Beijing, China

The annual event – China Wall and Roofing Materials, Equipment and Relevant Products Exhibition – is to be held in 2006 in the Beijing Exhibition Hall. The exhibition puts emphasis on the implementation of government policies concerning the innovation of wall materials and energy conservation in construction as well as the ban on producing and applying solid clay bricks, the adjustment of industry and product structure, the development of new wall materials featuring energy conservation and waste utilization, and the acceleration of the technical modification and upgrading of medium and small sized enterprises. The exhibition which brings together large and well-known manufacturers from home and abroad is approved by the China Building Materials Industry Association and organized by the China Brick and Tile Industry Association. Since China consumes huge quantities of bricks and tiles, there is an enormous market for relevant equipment and materials.
At the same time, the Fifth Membership Conference of China Brick and Tile Industry Association (on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of China Brick and Tile Industry Association) and 2006 China (Beijing) International New Wall Materials Technology and Market Symposium are to be held. Notable experts and scholars from China and all over the world are invited to give the latest information and discuss topics such as effective use of materials, energy conservation, waste utilization and environment protection.
As the capital of China, Beijing is the country’s political, cultural, scientific and technological centre and takes the lead in the wall materials reform. Guided by government policy, all relevant departments cooperate closely to promote and facilitate the wide application of new wall materials featuring energy conservation and waste utilization.

China Bricks and Tiles Industrial Association
No. 11, Sanlihe Road
Beijing, P.R.C
P.C.: 100831
Tel.: +86/10 68 30 34 84
Fax: +86/10 88 38 64 84

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